
Multi-sectorial cooperation for improving position of victims of human trafficking.

By 26/09/2022 No Comments

The coordinated engagement of all bodies and competent institutions is necessary if we want to achieve protection and recovery of victims of human trafficking and their sustainable reintegration free of further vulnerability to trafficking, is the message that members of the antitrafficking coordination teams in Bosnia and Herzegovina sent out after first day of TTX Exercise with IFS-EMMAUS.


On 26. And 27.09.2022, IFS-EMMAUS will support 45 professionals of the Referral Mechanism in BiH, to improve their knowledge and skills for dealing with persons from risk groups, potential and identified victims of human trafficking in the support and assistance system. The participants will enhance their capacities  through case studies and simulation of actions, focusing on steps for proactive identification and direct assistance, strengthening communication, exchange of information and networking of all actors and institutions key to improving the position enable victims of human trafficking in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The workshop is implemented within the anti-trafficking program that MFS-EMMAUS implements through the projects “PROACTIVE approach to preventing human trafficking in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, supported by the USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, USAID Inspire Human Rights Support Program and Voice of Civil Society Organizations in the Fight against human trafficking, which is supported by the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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